Girl or boy? A study on Mexican parents' preferences for the sex of their children


  • Andrés Méndez Ruiz Comisión Federal de Competencia
  • Raymundo M. Campos Vázquez El Colegio de México



fertility, family structure, preference for sons, Mexico


Among Mexican parents child gender has an effect on family structure and fertility decisions. A first-born daughter increases the probability of father absence, of maternal custody in case of marital dissolution, of having more children and of a shorter elapsed period before a new child is born. The collection of evidence suggests that those effects are the result of a preference for sons among parents and not the result of other causes that could explain some of the results separately.


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How to Cite

Méndez Ruiz, A., & Campos Vázquez, R. M. (2013). Girl or boy? A study on Mexican parents’ preferences for the sex of their children. Estudios Económicos De El Colegio De México, 28(2), 217–248.

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