Mexico EMBI+ and its dynamic relationship with other systematic risk factors: 1997 - 2011


  • Francisco López Herrera Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Francisco Venegas Martínez Instituto Politécnico Nacional
  • César Gurrola Ríos Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango



country risk, multivariate GARCH


The relationships among the Mexico EMBI+ and local and foreign risk factors are examined in this paper. The long run relationships and the dynamics are analyzed taking in account the effects of economic slowdowns into the period of the study. Also the volatilities of EMBI+, domestic interest rate, exchange rate and stock market are studied so as their interrelationships, considering the volatilities spillover effects and the dynamic conditional correlations. The findings have implications for investment and financing decision makers so as to the monetary policy makers.


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How to Cite

López Herrera, F., Venegas Martínez, F., & Gurrola Ríos, C. (2013). Mexico EMBI+ and its dynamic relationship with other systematic risk factors: 1997 - 2011. Estudios Económicos De El Colegio De México, 28(2), 193–216.

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