Modelling the distribution of multidimensional poverty scores: Evidence from Mexico


  • Valérie Berenger Université Nice Sophia Antipolis
  • Cuauhtémoc Calderón Villarreal El Colegio de la Frontera Norte
  • Franck Celestini Université Nice Sophia Antipolis



fuzzy sets approach, multidimensional measures of poverty, unsatisfied basic needs


The main purpose of this paper is to explore a new methodology already developed by Berenger and Celestini (2006). This theoretical method based on fuzzy sets approach makes it possible to define a multidimensional poverty score lying, as for income, between 0 and in- finity in order to characterize the organization of poverty. This method is applied using the data from the XII Census of Mexico, 2000 (INEGI). The results obtained enable us to build a typology of poverty. And we derive public policy implications.


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How to Cite

Berenger, V., Calderón Villarreal, C., & Celestini, F. (2009). Modelling the distribution of multidimensional poverty scores: Evidence from Mexico. Estudios Económicos De El Colegio De México, 24(1), 3–34.