A model of endogenous growth and technological imitation


  • Ramón Tirado Jiménez Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana - Xochimilco




endogenous model, exogenous savings, innovative country, imitator country, world market or technology, Research & Development, R&D, Romer, Bátiz-Romer


The purpose of this model is to analyze the conditions for growth and the path of capital accumulation in a framework of endogenous technical change with exogenous savings. The model states the existence of two kinds of countries, one of them an innovator, the other an imitator, both linked by a world market of technology, and excludes the world market of commodities. In each of these countries there are two sectors: the first one produces final goods, and the second performs Research & Development activities. The paper is based in Romer (1990) and Rivera Bátiz-Romer (1991).


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How to Cite

Tirado Jiménez, R. (1995). A model of endogenous growth and technological imitation. Estudios Económicos De El Colegio De México, 10(2), 195–219. https://doi.org/10.24201/ee.v10i2.265