The intra-industry trade of Mexico with its main trading partners


  • Rudolf M. Buitelaar Economic Commission for Latin America
  • Ramón Padilla Economic Commission for Latin America



intraindustry trade, Harmonized System, free trade, Mexico


This article analyzes the degree of intraindustry trade of Mexico with its main trading partners, on the basis of official data at the 4-digit level of the Harmonized System for the years 1990-1995. Data are presented per region and product. It is found that this type of trade represents over 40% of Mexico's total foreign trade. The analysis reveals a correlation between the volume of trade and the degree of intraindustry trade, and establishes a positive relation between the latter indicator and the existence of free trade agreements. A formula is introduced to calculate the triangulation of trade.


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How to Cite

Buitelaar, R. M., & Padilla, R. (1996). The intra-industry trade of Mexico with its main trading partners. Estudios Económicos De El Colegio De México, 11(1), 77–116.